Friday, November 9, 2007

Wedding SOS TV Show?

You won't believe this. I got a phone call from my makeup artist: "Hi Corrie. I just got a phone call from SLICE, the TV producer. They are looking for a couple getting married in December to be on their show!" What?! Wedding SOS? For those who don't know. Wedding SOS shows on HGTV (or SLICE), starring frantic couples who need help near the end of their wedding. A wedding planner will be there to coordinate the wedding day, and grant three wishes to the couple through-out the filming. (In the episodes I watched, Jane Dayus-Hinch has always been the planner. She has planned celebrity weddings. I really admired how well she handles stressed couples.)

Sounds pretty cool. It will definitely be a very memorable wedding. But I am not stressed about the wedding now (If a TV crew follows us around, we would) and we have organized everything already with a great helping team! And if I ever want to be a wedding planner or event coordinator, why would I want to look unorganized on a TV show? (Definitely a CLM - Career Limiting Move) And we are bad actors. I can't act like I am frantic when I am not...

What do you say I should wish for if I do have three wishes? I guess I can ask them to do my MBA papers for me...

Like Ka said, we won't be qualified for the show anyway. We have too little left to do. Oh well. It's still good for a laugh. I say let's not make our wedding a show, and just keep it personal.


蛋治 Canchi said... could be the first chinese couple to be on the show. (well, i only watch a few show, so i guess you 2 would be the first if you do get selected.)

哈哈, 我諗妳地唔會被揀中啦? 唔係因為妳地乜都準備好, 有晒計劃. 而係因為節目入面既人都低能既, 完全無諗過結婚要做D乜既. 所以真係得啖笑. (不過我都其實幾想妳地上電視, 哈~)

可可 said...

Haha. I even thought, for the purpose of the show, they would wrack some stuff to make us call for wedding SOS :P (With one month left, if there is something I haven't done and had to call for SOS, I would rather just give that up instead of going through the stress.)

Anonymous said...

Too bad. :( My family was on it, it airs in October 08. Jane is the best, and the crew became really good friends, they even hung out with us!! Jane DID try to make it even more dramatic, like the wedding wasn't happening without her, but she really helped tons! We all ended up taking group pictures, and danced the night away at the bride's reception! Now we have over 40 hours of tapes to watch LOL. How do they manage to squeeze it into 30 minutes?!