Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
"Just let me know if you need any help." or a simple question like "How has your wedding preparation been?" made us realize how many people care about us.
We would like to say "Thank You" to all these people.
我們的婚禮除了"幕前"的一眾好幫手外, 還有很多朋友親戚在背後幫了我們一把. 有些告訴我們那裡買東西好, 有些幫買東西, 有些幫忙搬運不同東西, 很多朋友給了很多貼是給我們, 有些朋友背後幫了我們還沒有告訴我們! 像 out-of-town guests 的 accommodation 全自動搞掂哂不用我們煩.
其實我很擔心有些朋友會因為我們沒有找他們婚禮當天幫手而誤會我們沒視他們作朋友. 但其實因為我們很東西都交了給vendors去做, 所以真的不需要太多人手幫忙. 每一句"你們要幫手就出聲啦!" 都給了我們很大的支持. 最開心是有些不來我們婚禮的朋友也很關心我們的進度, 看得出身邊有很多錫我們的人. 熟我們的人都應該清楚朋友對我們的重要性, 所以希望沒有人為着我們的安排而介懷.
在此跟一直關心我們婚禮進展的人, 幫過我們的朋友, 及跟我們說過"你們要幫手就出聲啦!"的人說聲"謝謝!".
今晚跟我們超級體貼的wedding GM: Tung and Ta (aka EasTa) 進行了一個簡單而隆重的Wedding Schedule轉交儀式, 把我們放了很多心血去準備的婚禮當日的時間表交到他們手中.
寫了三個月wedding blog也沒有提及太多關於我們Wedding GM. EasTa 他們是我在大學認識的, 但都是畢業後做義工變得熟起來. 他們很好人很好人. 很多事也替別人想得周到. 跟他們在一起就是很舒服. 今年我們還成為鄰居, 真是我們的福氣.
初時, 我們以為我們的wedding應該會很簡單. 當我們的wedding GM 應該沒有甚麼要做. 找這對住在我們隔鄰, 下年結婚的朋友幫幫忙就最好不過. 說真, 如何簡單的婚禮都有很多細微的東西要跟進. Wedding GM有何時會任務簡單? 但想不到的是EasTa 如何認真, 很多東西他們都主動幫我們想, 而且非常非常仔細. 萬二分感謝!
只有一個多星期便到我們的婚禮, 把我們的wedding schedule交給這兩個我們非常信任的朋友, 我們就可以好好放鬆一下, 等待我們大日子的來臨.
Meeting with our Slideshow Master
希望Billy沒有被我們的認真嚇壞 (昨晚弄到成一點呢! 不過我們可productive呀. 揀好相, 排好次序, 還選了音樂). Slideshow 還有一個多星期便面世了! Billy大佬, thank you thank you!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Just 2 More Weeks!!
So. With just 2 weeks away! What are things on our plate? Drum Rolls ~~~~
Helpers Meeting (Next Sunday)
Wedding Slide Show
Wedding Photos Display
Final Dress Fitting
Pick up Wedding Attires (Tux, Wedding Gown, Chinese Dress)
Pick up Hooks
Pick up Photos (guest book, engagement photo, stand)
Transport items to Arcadian Court before the wedding
Toasting Flutes
Double check seating plans & Assemble Placecards
Assemble hanging photos
Buy thank you gifts
Buy PJ for Ka
Make all final payments for vendors
Saturday, November 24, 2007
我生命中最重要的花 My Wedding Bouquet
一開始她便不斷MSN ideas給我, 我就越說越興奮 (我之前對花完全沒有興趣). Viv真係好好. She is so good with understanding what I want.
我把The Flower of My Life 交給這個Flower is her Life 的朋友來做, 一定漂亮. 期待見到我的花球!
Bouquet Fear
I saw in many weddings when the bride tosses the bouquet, all girls would run..... of course in the opposite direction of where the bouquet was going. In many cases, the bouquet would fall on the floor, sometimes it would even break.
I really don't want to see this happening. I always feel that the bouquet represents the bride. When no one wants to come out for the bouquet, it is like no one wants to have anything to do with the bride. So I always fear I would feel that "No one wants to be my friend". And I heard it's bad luck if the bouquet drops on the floor. So please please please please please, to single ladies (who claim to be Corrie's friends) reading this blog: Please come out (and get your single female neighbours to come out too). 我真的很想把我的幸福傳給妳們呀!
P.S. I am also worried about the tossing part. I can't even throw a softball straight forward. I have no clue how I can toss a bouquet backwards...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Still Very Calm
5 reasons why Corrie thinks we are both so calm:
1. We purposely planned very little for the wedding day, so we can have an enjoyable and stress-free wedding.
2. We have great friends helping us.
3. We truly understand we will be married eventually even without a perfect wedding.
4. Corrie is more excited about her NDS and stressed about her MBA papers. (I know, these two items shouldn't go together.) Ka certainly have others stuff on his plate.
5. The wedding comes too quickly.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
「男友5.0版」升級「老公 1.0 版」後
敬啟者, 您好:
去年我把「男友5.0版」升級到「老公1.0版」之後,發現系統的整體效能變差了, 尤其是「送花」及「珠 寶」功能, 這兩個功能本來在「男友5.0」一點問題都沒有。
除此之外,「老公1.0」也把原來好用的軟體殺掉了, 例「羅漫蒂克9.5」及「關懷6.5」,取而代之的「世 界杯足球賽5.0」、「世界杯籃球賽3.0」和「高爾夫俱樂部4.1」。
「談心8.0」也無法執行,還有,每當我要執行「打掃屋子2.6」,整個系統就當機,我試著用「嘮 叨 5.3」,但都沒辦法解決。
----請接著繼續往下看---- 回應的更是妙...
首先要提醒您的是,「男友5.0」是娛樂軟體套件, 而「老公1.0」是作業系統。
今個星期日, 見天氣好, 便到Toogood Pond走走. Toogood pong本身沒有大變, 但臨結婚的秋天跟初拍拖的夏季實在有太大分別. (好凍呀!) 我還笑說, 未拍拖前那次去Toogood Pond, Ka這個"追求者"大概還會緊張身邊的我, 所以那次慢步Toogood Pond還會永遠在我的身邊, focus也在於我. 這次快結婚了, 所以我倆似別人speed walking般, Ka有Ka拿着相機行拍照, 我有我自己"soak"起手自己快快行, 走得快好世界. 三十年後, 我們大概一前一後, 可能像龜兔賽跑般走完Toogood Pond.
不知道我們變成了一頭百髮的老公公老婆婆後會否也可以像這個星期日般悠閒地到Toogood Pond, 說說笑, 談談情, 拍拍照, 過一個悠閒的下午呢?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Surprise Bachelorette Party With the YYT Girls
YYT girls今天給了我一個驚喜! 她們為我安排了一堂做結婚蛋糕的課堂呢! 這個結婚蛋糕跟我之前學的不同. 之前弄的是大大蛋糕, 今天弄的是小小蛋糕呢! (用黏土做的迷你蛋糕). 老師說大概要做兩個小時. 但可能我們資質太低, 總共用了四個小時!! (真的考起我們的neck muscle) 當中笑料百出, 連Missy也嚷着叫我們不要令到她笑. 但finish products也頗"見得人".
之後我們去吃晚飯, 居然包起間Cafe! 本來她們預備了一些問題先問了Ka, 再來問我. 但Ka的答案不是: I don't know or I don't remember. 所以轉過來問我. 真是"打欄沙盆問到篤". 不過, 一班女孩子玩得真的很開心. 她們還做了本Scrap book給我! 非常非常有心的一份禮物. 我一定會好好收藏的.
近這數個月實在太多東西發生, 所以要暫別YYT一會. 到現在還是不捨得當中的義工工作. 希望在不久將來我可以再次參與YYT的projects吧.
PG Rated - Jack and Jill
首先我們先玩Charades. 嘩! 那些phrases很難呀! "Something new, Something old, and Something blue"?! 點估呀??
跟着玩了個答問題遊戲. 我和Ka 要為同一個問題答同一答案. Err. 點解d問題咁難架. 唔係問我們對方的生日呀, 週年紀念日架咩? 點解問到year and make of first car that Ka has driven, 她的初吻, 他的Sexual Fantasy?!?! 自己也不清楚, 對方更加一頭霧水. 答錯了一題便要被畫面. 後來大概各位都發覺我們"唔係好掂", 問了十多題, 對得三題, 所以放過我們... 算吧, 我們日後會有更多時間了解對方.
跟着我們玩得更wild. 分開男女team, 他們用tissue paper為我們設計了一套新衣, 主題是: What you want the other half to wear on wedding night. (女扮男, 男扮女). [實在太瘋癲, 為免引起這個blog的讀者不安, 我們都不在這裡post 那些R-rated 的相片了.] :P 之後玩了個食物遊戲. (但是我還是五分鐘前才想到那些食物代表甚麼, 還怪我一直以為那是個很 "可愛" 很innocent的遊戲 :P)
真要謝謝Chiesa and Gladys 安排了這麼一個難忘的Jack and Jill. 很喜歡她們為我們弄的一張卡. 也謝謝每一個有份參預的人. Thanks CC, BH, GL, SL, TC, PT, EK, TH, BL, CB, OB, JC, AM, PM, KC, KK, HC!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Cast your vote today!
Vote on the right of the blog.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
不知怎的, 當他叫Ka跟他說交換戒子時說的誓詞時, 那些去別人婚禮聽了覺得很感動的 "我會愛你一生一世", "不分不離", 的說話, Ka一說我就笑壞肚皮. (幸好今天去見見林博士, 真不能想像今天就是actual wedding, 真失禮). 不是我們不愛對方, 只是有些東西用心去感受, 用行動來表示好了 (MSN都可以). 說出來真是怪怪的. 為免我們在婚禮中不停的笑, 我們已經決定不會說那些了(at least not in Chinese).
Monday, November 12, 2007
我需要的是個平面又大又正方, 但又要很矮, 又要超級sturdy的盒. 這樣的盒子其實我也不是見過很多次. 怎料, 當我還不知怎算的時候, 我的dream box從天而降!
上個星期一, 當我跟同事去"Timmies" coffee break 時竟然在公司的hallway中間發現個10"高, 30" x 30"的硬盒子. 嘩! 真是最最最perfect不過!! 當然, 公司裡是絕不能 "finders keeper" 的. (我們公司都算secure, 很少會一個大盒在hallway中間沒人理.) 所以我只好把它踢到一旁. 猜不到半個小時之後紙盒還在!! 打開盒看看, 裡面空空的, 便拿了它回家. 一試便發覺剛好fit到九個centerpieces! Ka第二天問問IT 的同事. 原來最近他們換router, 剛好有一堆這樣的盒! 拿了三個回家. We got the perfect boxes to pack our perfect centerpieces perfectly! 實在太幸運. 好開心呀!!
More fun wedding prep
We also did some shopping. It was really fun shopping for "these items". Sorry, another little surprise that we will keep. If we reveal too much, there won't be any surprise left for people reading this blog! :) [But since I am so bad with keeping secrets, I will leak out a bit... a blurred photo.]
Friday, November 9, 2007
Wedding SOS TV Show?
Sounds pretty cool. It will definitely be a very memorable wedding. But I am not stressed about the wedding now (If a TV crew follows us around, we would) and we have organized everything already with a great helping team! And if I ever want to be a wedding planner or event coordinator, why would I want to look unorganized on a TV show? (Definitely a CLM - Career Limiting Move) And we are bad actors. I can't act like I am frantic when I am not...
What do you say I should wish for if I do have three wishes? I guess I can ask them to do my MBA papers for me...
Like Ka said, we won't be qualified for the show anyway. We have too little left to do. Oh well. It's still good for a laugh. I say let's not make our wedding a show, and just keep it personal.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
We got our Rings!
初初都有想過買有一小鑽石的wedding bands, 但Ka的手指粗粗的, *bling-blings*就是不太襯他 (or 他不太襯*bling-blings*). :P 算吧. Bling-bling jewelleries留番老公第時"tum"老婆用吧!
GCC Cake - a few days later...
Stop, admire it for a minute, then say: "I looove our cake so much!", then turn to ask Ka: "Don't you think our cake is soo pretty?", admire it for a bit more, make another comment: "I really think our cake is pretty.", then walk away, still thinking about our cake. :)
It may not be a professionally designed / made cake, but it's designed by the GCC team (Gladys, Chiesa, Corrie), so to me, it is the very best cake. :)
~ Corrie blogging in front of cake
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
童年的你 童年的我
到我了, 我一直都知道爹o地幫我影了很多相. 真估不到由一歲到三歲竟然有十多本大大的很有心機排的相簿! 我這隻醜小鴨竟有過千張相. (We are talking about before digital time.)
Ka影相都唔笑o既! (真係三歲定八十)
Ka 去過很多地方旅行
Ka童年時的相片大部分都沒有其他小孩子. (No wonder Ka always wants siblings.)
oh baby 看你多麼可愛
Monday, November 5, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
還有一個月就結婚的我們這個月有幾勤力? 看看我們的清單吧.
開始左, 但未做好的::
Slide show - Still need to give Billy our kids photos
Cake design - 有idea怎樣去design個蛋糕 - Done (11/4)
Chasing after RSVPs (Just a few more!) - 98% done (11/4)
Table Plan - 98% done (11/4)
Driving Logistic
Confirmed with Helpers about their tasks
Wedding favours
Need to meet officiant in person.
Pick up hooks from Carmen in Nov
Guests Leaving Logistic (Need ride for Ka's mom & dad, Corrie's parents, Vikki, Ka's uncles & aunties)
Need to buy toasting flutes
Pack up the Centerpieces. No idea how to pack them to downtown now :(
Buy Stationaries
Pre-wedding parties?
Buy Kids Pack
Order edible wedding cake
Book hotels for out of town guests - done (11/4)
Decide Menu - Decided. Tasted food.
Invitations - Gave out most of them. Waiting for RSVP.
Photographer - 要prepare schedule
DJ - Sent him a semi-final schedule 要prepare schedule
Confirmed helpers Team
Book 酒店房 - Book好
餅卡 - 買了
Wedding Bands - Ordered 了. 十一月中應該有得拿
Marriage License - Done
Centerpieces - 完成了所有三十三個.
Guest Book - Printing中
Big photo - Printing中
買了Garter and ring pillow
MOH dress fitted
Went over our wedding schedule with our parents. Met with our GMs.
Need to authorize final payment for restaurant next week.
要十一月authorize last payment for decorator
新娘. 要兩星期前去做fitting. 伴娘. 要十月做fitting. Got all shoes!
花女: 有靓靓裙了
新郎, 父親, 伴郎 - Got everything except for white shirts for both fathers
母親 - Found everything but shoes
花仔: Got tux and ring pilow
化妝 & Hair - OK. 要book hair appointment end of Nov.