Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What our friends said about our wedding?

From Billy's Blog (Chinese)

[記事] 攝影愛好者的婚禮

小弟便攜帶我的小相機一同出席. (我多想帶著女伴出席啊~ 朋友啊~ 怎麼都不介紹女生給我?!)
其實我帶小相機, 是因為我知道不管我趕去買甚麼相機, 都及不上現場的攝影愛好者的百分之一的啦~
在切蛋糕的一段, 真是有夠像甚麼荷里活大明星的新電影的記者招待會.

看到檯上那一枝巨砲嗎? 就如我在twitter上說的一 樣, 真的比我脖子還要粗. 單是那一枝就不便宜了吧? 然後在場的賓客們, 我想是每一個人都有帶相機, 然後DSLR佔的比率, 是75%吧? 我的小Canon SD1000, 大概是人家鏡頭的百分之一? 單是不同款式的柔光罩就已經夠我大開眼界了. 加上有三成左右的賓客看起來就真的像是在跑新聞的樣子, 甚麼長距, 短距, 近拍, 廣角, 魚眼, 各式各樣的鏡頭組合, 但賓客明明就是IT界的專才們啊~ 為甚麼會這樣? 實在太誇張了! 品牌競賽上, Canon 和 Nikon 不相伯仲, 在我看來是數量差不多啦~

我在猜, 我這小相機也給拍了百來張沒啥新聞價值的照片, 不知道一整天一共有多少GB(甚至TB?)的記憶體給佔滿了? 統計還要等數個星期才有結果, 但只會多, 不會少.

然 後, 何以見得這是一個攝影愛好者的婚禮呢? 看一下美貌與智慧並重, 加上手藝也是一級棒的新娘子所作的可愛小人像, 新郎手中的相機表現出他是多麼的喜愛這樣的拿著相機自拍. (他拍別人的照片也不少! 而且他所儲的照片, 單是交給我用來作婚禮相片展SLIDESHOW的相片就有300GB!)

在此特別祝福一對新人, 白頭到老, 永結同心, 連生貴子, 三年抱兩, 開枝散葉...最重要, 健康幸福快樂.

- 開首的3字, 除了剛好是指新郎哥是已進三字頭的年紀(也不是第一年!), 其實是我怕我喝醉了找不到車子泊在停車場那一層. :P 誰知道我結果非常清醒, 還在半夜市中心街頭跑步跑的氣喘呢~

- 巨砲的資料 價值四千三百塊加幣, 稅後約十五萬台幣?!

From Joyce's Blog


Went to a wedding over the weekend. Haven't been to such a good wedding like this one for a long time. Warm and genuine. A few of us stayed behind and we had quite a few drinks. Alcohol made me a bit more friendlier than usual. Everyone looked so happy and lovable. We hold hands and we hugged and maybe a few kisses on the cheeks. We tell each other how wonderful they are and what a great time we had. At that moment, it just seemed that life was perfect.

From Andrew's Blog

Congrats Karrie

Welcome to my bi-monthly blog entry :) This issue's topic is that crazy wedding party this past Sunday. I've said many times already but I'll say it again, CONGRATULATIONS to my very good pals Ka and Corrie! That wedding was a smash! And I must say what a wonderful recept they had that night :)

Btw, I just love this photo. Notice how the newlyweds are "guiding" their guests upstairs to where they are... Good thing I didn't follow their directions tho!! The stairs are actually to the left of the sign :p

From Lorraine's Blog

Mr. and Mrs. Lam

It's my two Canadian friends' wedding today. I have to admit that I wasn't very aware of their wedding taking place today because I was away camping and I seemed to have forgotten what was going on around me in the outside world. When I came back home and caught up with my daily rituals, I saw my friend saying it's his wedding today on his facebook status. I think it was funny to have a status like that. Then I read he and his girlfriend's (now wife's) blog with a love letter from her to him, and a reply from him to her. The letters were really sweet. "You complete me." It's not something I have experienced or can understand yet. But to realize that they're finally getting married today seemed so surreal. I have known very early on since they started dating. I have witnessed to a certain extent their development. But I can't believe it's been four years already. I also can't quite adapt to the idea that they're now husband and wife. I've been following their wedding blog for three months and it feels strange when the big day has finally arrived for them.

Anyways... I'm looking forward to seeing their pictures. I'm sure every aspect of their wedding will be detailed and carefully designed. I really look forward to seeing the bride's ideas and inventions.

All the best, my friends. It's a long, happy, and not always easy road ahead of you.

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