Thursday, October 11, 2007


Mercedes將會是我們的花女呢! 一直很喜歡這個小女孩. 初跟Ka拍拖, Mercedes那時才數個月大, 像個公仔般, 樣貌得意, 媽媽又懂得把她打扮得靓靓, 真的可愛得不得了. 我和Ka初時拍拖有很多arguments. 我以前就是愛耍小孩子脾氣 (現在有時候都會:P), 可憐的Ka就是不懂"tum"女孩子... 幸好他還可以借Mercedes來過關. 因為一說起Mercedes我便會開心起來! 所以我們結婚, 小Mercedes的功勞也不少.

但請小小Mercedes做我們的花女也不容易. 話說當我告訴Pat and Paul 我們結婚時, 我轉頭問Mercedes: Will you be my flower girl? 她堅持地說: No. 問了三次都是: No~.

這necklace是我親自design的! Vikki幫我把我心目中的design變成真! 謝謝Vikki!! 希望小花女會喜歡.

Mercedes will our flower girl! This adorable little girl was only a few months old when Ka and I started dating. She is extremely adorable (her mommy dresses her up very nicely too)!

When Ka and I first started dating, we argued quite a bit. Ka was never the type of guy who could say something sweet to cheer a girl up. But then he found out the secret that mentioning Mercedes would always bring a smile to my face!

It wasn't an easy task to persuade Mercedes to be our flower girl though. She was very determined and answered "No" to our invitation three times. Good thing Pat convinced her at the end.

I designed this necklace for little Mercedes. Vikki helped me put it together. (Isn't it gorgeous?) I hope she would like it.

1 comment:

細V said...

This was a very good design. I hope little flower girl would like it too!