Friday, September 28, 2007
有多少個人講價, 會offer個比store owner還要高的價錢???
店主: 35個, 計你便宜一點, 合共$--6.40
可可: (覺得店主很好人, 但都應該講下價)可以便宜一點嗎?
店主: 我已給了個八五折給你了(覺得店主很有道理)
店主: 你給cash我不收你tax啦 (可可間直覺得自己"蝦"緊個店主)
計算機: $--4.50
可可: Ok. 我給$--5.00吧. (還要驚店主不肯)
The worst, 可可still thinks she got a good deal.
之前另外一次去check out婚紗rental的價錢.
店員: 婚紗rental package $1180, 拍照的要$1200
可可: (其實都無想過那處拍照, 也覺得價錢OK, 不過扮下講價啦)嘩! 咁貴?
店員: 你的budget是甚麼, 我幫你work吓啦
可可: Hmm. $2500左右啦.
分分鐘, 我講價的價錢比唔講價要給的價錢還要高. 所以呢, 都係唔好再講價好了.
To Hun: 你就成日話我大大隻水魚, 無鬼用, 我落order時已經不斷望你, 你又粒聲都唔出, 唔知係我無鬼用, or你無鬼用. 我話我地两個都係大大隻開心水魚就真!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
婚禮籌備清單 - 九月號
結婚場地 - Decided
Decide Menu - Decided.
Officiant - 要記得記得記得寄錢給他 - 剛寄了
Decoration (Arch, Runner, Seat Cover) - Decided 了. 給了deposit.
Photographer - 找到了!! 要prepare schedule
DJ - confirmed了!! 要prepare schedule
Engagement Photos - THANKS Cater & Mickey!!
Website - Done. 非常滿意.
Flowers - Confirmed with Vivian (THANKS VIV!!)
Book 酒店房 - Book好
餅卡 - 買了
開始左, 但未做好的::
Invitations - 收到了! 也買了信封. Need to assemble and give out.
Wedding Bands - chose the style. 十月尾去訂
Slide show - 要交相片給Billy. (THANKS BILLY!!)
Cake design - 有idea怎樣去design個蛋糕. Need to work with Gladys.
Centerpieces - 做了第一個model. Need to 買materials做多三十幾個 (Sigh.. 八人檯...)
找Here Comes the Bride 的 piano score
Decide on Slideshow and First Dance music
Food Tasting in Oct
Need to meet officiant in person.
Marriage License - 十月去申請
Pick up hooks from Carmen in Nov
Guest Book - 要等埋d相片
Table Plan
Driving Logistic
Guests Leaving Logistic (Need ride for Ka's mom & dad, Corrie's parents, Vikki, Ka's uncles & aunties)
Need to buy toasting flutes
Need to authorize payments for Venue
要十一月authorize last payment for decorator
新娘. 要兩星期前去做fitting. 伴娘. 要十月做fitting. 要買鞋
花女: 有靓靓裙了
新郎, 父親, 伴郎 - 下星期要去看看Styles
母親 - 很難很難很難很難很難很難很難很難很難揀, 要買條shawl給Ka's媽媽
花仔: ring pillow - 買了
化妝 & Hair - OK. 要book hair appointment end of Nov.
MOH - OK. Thanks Vikki!!
BestMan - 等緊confirmation
GM - Thanks EASTA!
MC - Thanks VICKY & KENDRICK! [Can't have a wedding without you 2 MCing.]
花仔 - 好得意好得意好得意的Nicky
花女 - 好可愛好可愛好可愛的Mercedes!
Drivers (Need 6+) - Please submit your resume if you are interested in this job posting.
Ushers (Need 2) - 已有心目中的人選擇.
Receptionists (Need 4) - 已有心目中的人選擇. 等緊hiring tickets. (Thanks Peggy, Chiesa, Mun, and June )
Piano Performer - 期待着LangNing的演奏!! Thanks!!
Cake Decorator- 望着Gladys cake decorating class做的蛋糕.. "You are Hired!"
Slide Show - Thanks Billy 大佬
First Dance Song
前晚睡不著, 起床研究用甚麼歌做first dance music. 我與Ka一直都沒有"Our Music" (at least not the romantic ones). 總不能在婚禮中播"倆忘煙水裡" (這是我們第一次唱K唱的歌.) 我挑選first dance music的標準:
1. 好聽 (我和Ka 這兩個跳舞白痴, 就一定沒甚麼睇頭. 起碼首歌好聽entertain吓賓客都好.)
2. 短 (千萬不要torture我們的guests.)
3. 不要太慢, 不要太快. (太慢太快都跳唔掂.)
4. 歌詞要有意思點
一直非常非常喜歡Beauty and the Beast跳舞那個情景. Setting很grand, 漂亮的Belle 加上溫柔的Beast, 總覺很浪漫很浪漫. 有想過用Beauty and the Beast的歌作first dance music, 但無理由把Ka變成Beast吧. :)
後記: 找first dance music中, 竟然給我找到一首"Ice Cream - by Sarah McLachlan"的歌. 當中歌詞一句 "Your Love, Better than Ice cream...". 本來覺得頗得意, 也有考慮用那首歌, 但Love vs Icecream.......
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Boyfriend, Fiancé, Finance?
不過, fiancé等於finance (income)也不差.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
婚紗, 裙褂, 伴娘裙
裙褂也租了. 很多人也說褂只是穿一陣子, 不太重要. 只喜歡西式禮義的我卻堅持要穿裙褂. 穿裙褂, 雙手'ding ding dum dum'的穿金帶銀, 頭插一朵紅花... 好一個中國娃娃! 紅bok bok的, 喜喜洋洋, 這樣去迎接婚姻的來臨, 多好. 明天跟我媽媽去找媽媽裙!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
我有我不要鑽戒的理由, 也因為時間問題, 我們暫不能夠去蜜月旅行. 但最近看着身邊朋友, 不是大鑽戒, 便是婚前旅行拍婚紗照婚後渡蜜月. 小天使說: 這是花巧的東西. 小魔鬼說: 別人有, 我也很想要有. 說真的, 這两天心情的確有點矛盾.
很多謝一個朋友今天提醒我我當初一直追求簡單婚禮的原因. 朋友告訴我她很羨慕我和Ka有很多真正的朋友, "genuine friends". 對. 很多朋友已經交上resume applied for我們婚禮中的崗位; 更多朋友說婚禮那晚他們會盡興, 星期一已經請了假! (婚禮在星期日晚); 也竟然有數個朋友為了我們的婚禮去減肥! (當新娘子看見雪櫃的雪糕實在忍不住. 還是每晚一杯雪糕時, 真感激朋友竟可以努力減肥!)
我就是很想很想很想在最純樸的環境低下接受這些最親的朋友們真誠由衷的祝福; 也很想很想很想和Ka用最純樸的心情不造作地成為夫婦.
我夢想的完美婚禮簡單而純樸, 不要花巧, 因為我很想我們的婚姻也是一樣, 純樸而不造作.
"追 蹤 一 些 生 活 最 基 本 需 要 原 來 早 不 缺 少
有 了 你 即 使 平 凡 卻 最 重 要"
P.S. 簡單而純樸的婚禮完後有空還是要去旅行. Hun, 不要以為可以就咁算. :P
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Uncle Ka & Ant Cowee
Saturday, September 8, 2007
我們的centerpieces將會是我們倆自己親手做的! 暫時賣個關子不向大家透露centerpiece會是甚麼東東. 婚禮當日大家便會知道啦! 希望你們鍾意啦!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
约了我wedding day set 頭的lady. 其實經過大學gradball set 頭化妝, 我對我的set 頭化妝look已經完全失去信心. 真希望自己一直是那些對makeup and hair有興趣的人, 可以知道what works on me, what doesn't. 希望我跟Ka可以型仔型女般出現在我們的婚禮吧.
上學了. Back to school mode.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Completed a few more wedding stuff
We have done a few more wedding things.
Accomplishment #1: I decided on my bridal shoes! Stilll need to find the Chinese shoes for the "Kwa".
Accomplishment #2: Decided on jeweler of our wedding bands! :)
Accomplishment #3: We went to confirm a few more things today with Elizabeth at Arcadian Court. I am still surprised by how good the service is. At first I was still thinking how many friends I need to recruit to help that day. It was a big relief to see how much they can help us do.
Accomplishment #4: Then we went to talk to Pat and Paul about our invitation. It was a nice surprise to see they have found the perfect graphic for our invitation! It was also nice that they can help us print place cards. [I think our guests will like the place cards. I certainly love the idea that Pat gave us.] Also, very happy that Mercedes will be our flower girl. :)
Accomplishment #5: We then stop by Michaels (oh boy, we have been going there so often to buy all the wedding stuff). We found a nice Isle Runner!! :) :) :) [We made good use of the 50% off coupon this weekend.] We also bought our ring bearer pillow. [Very very cute!]
Accomplishment #6: At night we met with Gay Gor and Leo to pay deposit for the DJ service. I think with DJ playing nice music, our ceremony would be Greeeaat!
Accomplishment #7: Nicky (our ring bearer) knows how to say "Ka"! And he willingly sits beside Aunty Corrie for a nice photo.
Hair appointment tmrw and Ka will go pay our decorator. (One more day of this wedding planning work till school starts again!)