We asked one friend to do our engagement shots, and ended up with three. :) Micky was also our wedding photographer, but he went back to Hong Kong already. Cater on the other hand, only took our engagement shots, but was in HK on our wedding day (to avoid the red bomb :) ). Both are great photographers, very professional, great quality photos, patient, and experienced. I do highly recommend them for engagement and wedding shots. MSN me if you want their contacts.
One of my favourite photos. We were such bad models. If it wasn't for the photographers, we probably wouldn't have any decent photos.

我都幾鍾意呢張相, 幾自然... 唔記得我哋講緊乜咁好笑.
Nust hav been something funny that was said for both of us to be laughing. Good thing they caught the moment.

影嗰時忍住唔好大笑, 又唔可以太呆. 原來扮恩愛都幾難...Pretending to be a loving couple.

咁多張張相, 影得最容易就係呢張. This is the easiest pose..

玩手指.. It's really hard to get a photo of us making "loving gestures" while looking natural. All credits go to the photographers.

我地好高呀! Tall people.

Dude dude 嘴
They just found these props in the park.. a little pretty yellow flower. Kekek. And we look prettier blurred..

I picked a white t-shirt for Ka for our engagement shot, which was a bad idea for a sunny day. We had to keep him in the shade to make sure he didn't get over-exposed.